Exceptional Experiences on Justice, Education, History, Race, & the American Land

Exceptional Experiences on Justice, Education, History, Race, & the American Land

May 3rd: The Three Circles Center (an international network for multicultural environmental education), with Running Grass and Barbara Elizabeth Bolles, hosted an incredible day in Portland of meeting and being in dialogue with environmental justice, social justice, and environmental education leaders from the EPA, the city, and ngos. The day ended with a reading from TRACE at the local independent bookstore Broadway Books run by the Book Broads!

May 4th: Corvallis, where The Spring Creek Project at OSU (with Charles Goodrich) and the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center hosted a TRACE event at the center. There I met news friends and old friends, including the writers John Daniel and Kathleen Dean Moore. (I owe a special note of thanks to John because he introduced me and my manuscript to Jack Shoemaker at Counterpoint Press!)

I also explored Oregon forests, rivers, and volcanic landscapes. First, the Columbia River gorge and waterfalls like Multnomah Falls with Rick Simonson of Seattle’s Elliot Bay Bookstore. Then, with Fred Swanson at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Site, where I learned to read the history of a Cascades ecosystem. Finally on my own, winding through backcountry of lava flows and Douglas-Fir, hemlock, and cedar forests, I found my way to Mount Hood.

Now I’m back in Washington, DC, ready to work on the new writing project, which is a topic for another day!

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